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Program doesn't retain settings

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I recently had a popup inform me that a new and "improved" version of Malwarebytes was available for installation.  I installed it and it created problems with my PC.  My CPU usage went to 90%+ and stayed there.  I couldn't stop the tray application using Task Manager.  I uninstalled Malwarebytes from my computer (Windows 8, FYI) and then reinstalled the older version.  Problem solved.  Annoying, but that's not the reason I'm writing this post.  My beef is that I have repeatedly changed the "notify me when full version updates are available" setting to the Off position and the program will not retain that setting.  Again I'm receiving the popup about installing the supposedly improved version.  Since I obviously don't want to make that mistake again, I would like to stop this particular popup from occurring.  I fail to see the point of offering the user a setting option if the user's choice will not be honored.

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