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Not sure where to ask this question, so I asked it here. When I turn on the laptop and it gets warmed up a box pops-up down at the bottom of the screen telling me that Malwarebytes has detected malware

When I make a Malwarebytes scan (both deep and quick) nothing shows up at all - not a warning; nothing.

I goggled the 217. etc and came up with a company (I think) with the address of: schattenwelt.dyndns.org

I searched for this as well as the 217 etc. on the computer and came up with nothing. Nothing found. Advast, CC, Windows Defender, Malwarebytes all say there is no problem; everything running fine...

So why does this silly box keep appearing?? If I should just ignore it, I will. It only stays on for a few seconds, then disappears. It took me 4 tries to get the complete number and information...

Don't know how clear this is, but would appreciate any ideas, suggestions. Thanks.

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