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History -- I have used Avast for years and the free version of Malwarebytes.  My computer is about 4 years old.  For the last year or so, it will not run when Avast is active -- it ties up the hard drive continually.   So I switched to Sophos and it ties up the hard drive continually so I uninstalled them both.  About the same time I was having trouble with the hard drive filling up, so I ran CCleaner.  I've been  using the Malwarebytes premium trial, but I am still having trouble with the hard drive filling up.  I deleted about 30gb of pictures a couple days ago, have installed nothing and I am down to 2 gb.  I am at a loss as to what to do.  I am running  Windows 8.1 (I tried to upgrade to Windows 10, but then neither my printer nor Photoshop Elements 12 would work so I went back.)  It's a Toshiba laptop with an Intel Core i3, a 500 Gb hard drive and 16 Gb of of RAM.  I use it for photo editing (personal) with PSE12, but I mostly use it for business -- Quicken, Excel, and Word.  I usually use Firefox and Thunderbird for my web browser and e-mail application.  Thanks.

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