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No, that would really be a bad idea. Although it is hoped that MB for Mac Real-Time Protection would catch a malware installer before you could use it, you really want it to be active during installation, in case you downloaded a new installer which contains known malware, which is a very real possibility these days.

Although it is true that some types of Anti-Malware programs can interfere, I haven't read any reports about such problems with MB and from what I know about it, there's almost no chance that it could.

Should you or anybody else reading this experience any such problems, be sure to report it for confirmation, fixes or workarounds.

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I couldn't have said it better myself, Al. I fully agree... if you turn off real-time protection prior to doing an install, it won't protect you if the thing you're installing is bad. For example, maybe you've been tricked into downloading a supposed Adobe Flash Player update... if you leave real-time protection on, Malwarebytes will block the malicious installation. If you turn it off, you'll be infected.

I don't want to risk the wrath of the fates by saying this, but false positives in Malwarebytes for Mac have been exceedingly rare. I don't think there's been one reported in the last year. So if Malwarebytes is detecting something, you should definitely take that seriously. If you thought you were installing something good, you were probably tricked.

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