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Did you previously remove any malware and not reset the home page or search engine or whatever it is that leads you to believe your infected?

See Set your homepage and startup page and if necessary Set your default search engine.


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The reason I knew I was infected is that any time I hit the "new tab" button in Chrome, it would come up with this heasyspeedtest garbage instead of a google page, in spite of me making sure google was the home page.  But I managed to get rid of it, even though malwarebytes did not catch it, by going to settings -->advanced settings and resetting to the google original default settings TWICE.  Problem solved.  (I had tried reinstalling google chrome, and malwarebytes to no avail.)  

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Another possibility is that it is being caused by a new extension that Malwarebytes isn't aware of yet. Should it recur a third time, list all your Chrome Extensions back here so they can take a look.

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Chrome has become the most troublesome browser on the market, due to the extreme proliferation of adware Chrome extensions. Not even Google can keep up with them in the Chrome store. You can minimize the chances of this kind of thing happening by being EXTREMELY selective about what Chrome extensions you install, and limit yourself to only a very small number... which also reduces Chrome's attack surface, reduces its resource usage and keeps it from becoming unstable.

In the future, if this happens again, try disabling Chrome extensions, and when you find the one causing the problem, let us know about it if we're not detecting it.

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