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Last week I got an email from Malwarebytes saying that someone had been attempting to log in using my username.

Today I got a forum notification that staff member 'jprism' had commented on a link in this thread:

As I had not contributed to that thread (or even read it before), or the thread linked in the OP, so I fail to understand why I got this notification.

Further checking of my settings show some very strange locations in my 'recent location' list. (Ok, I know that these may be unreliable).

I am not seeing any issues on any other fora, or web locations, that I visit regularly.

At this stage I am not too worried that my system may have been infected, I suspect that these issues may be a bug in the underlying forum software.

Is there any particular action you would like me to undertake at this time?

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OK, I've done some more checking and now believe that the 'false' logins may have been my phone attempting to automatically login to the forum, (which was open in the browser), as I moved location in the Lake District mountains and so moved in and out of patchy 3G+ coverage.

(It was showing as originating from a location elsewhere in the country, but mobile networks can do that).

Which just leaves the odd notification message.

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Yes, it was showing in my followed content when I checked, I'm not sure why?


It was just strange with it coming shortly after the email about the login thing, (which I'm now pretty sure was my phone trying to connect through a remote server at the mobile provider).


Just put it down as one of those strange things that happen now and again.

Edited by nukecad
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