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Suggestions: SmartToys detector?


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Hello, maybe you could install a Smart Toy Detector in Malwarebytes Mobile 3.0? Why not? Who would be technically feasible. And anyway, interest is present.





I mean, parents can use it to uncover hidden "spies" in or on children's toys and can somehow suppress them, or turn them off. So that the environment is not monitored, or is affected by such SmartToys, etc.

To protect, the privacy, our children and their parents.
Have I now correctly described what I wanted, or what my suggestion would be?

Just as a thought.

PS: Sorry that was a translation, by Googel translator.


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Do you mean detecting smart toys on your network?  If so, that might be possible, but would probably be more feasible in the Windows version; I'd imagine limitations of APIs and networking capabilities in smart phones would make it much more difficult to build for mobile.  Also, I'd imagine the only way to detect a smart toy would be to discover it on the network, assuming it is connected to the same network and active at the time that our software would check for it.  I think a much easier way would be to just log into your wireless router/modem and check the devices connected to it to see if any devices other than your PCs/phones etc. are connected to it for internet access (this is also a good way to check to see if anyone has any device connected to your wi-fi that shouldn't such as a neighbor etc.).

By the way, the smart toys described in your first link above are not the same kinds of smart toys described in your second link.  In fact, the first link specifically calls out the fact that those two types of toys are often confused here.

Edited by exile360
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