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asked forsecond email address to retrieve messeages if need be


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A friend of mine tried to log into yahoo mail, he got a page asking to provide an alternative email address and pick 2 security questions as a safe means for where his mail could be sent if for some reason he could not access his emails thru his main yahoo account. For a few days he could just back out and was allowed to log into his yahoo mail without doing that. Then yesterday he kept backing out of that page (not providing an alternate email address ect) but it kept coming back so often that finally he gave another email address and answered 2security questions just so he could get to his mail. So is this something yahoo sometimes requires (as it has never happened to me) or could it have been a scam? Also the alternative email address he gave received an email saying it was from yahoo and to click on the button in the email that had this alternative email address in order to confirm it or to copy and past a long url if he could not click on that button. So far he has not clicked on that button in the email received to the back up email address to verify that it is his back up address until we find out if this is a normal procedure you require sometimes or if it could be a fraud to get some more info. So I guess my question is is have many of you also had this happen (so then it would be normal and actually from yahoo?

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As far as I am aware yahoo only ask for a alt email addy when you first make the account (I have never given a alt) I logged on to a old account just now and was not asked for anything like that, Though if he had given a alt when he signed up then that might be different.

I also notice gmail now ask you to give a mobile number so they can verify a new account :)

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He has had and used the same yahoo email address for 10 years, and only now was taken to a screen requesting the additional info. Few days ago he could just hit back button to log in page, and could log in then. This last time he tried 4 or 5 times on one computer then a couple of times on a different computer.

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oh i know know what your talking about now.

yahoo did update there info request,you could choose a q and give a awaser,two q`s all in all.

i rejected it myself until i was locked out for not doing so.

then i awansered the two questions and was allowed back in,i wasnt forced to give a 2nd e.mail addy thou,that was just a option.the two securtiy q`s wernt.

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The email that came to the alternate email address came from: yahoo-account-services-us@cc.yahoo-inc.com

When i look up on http://www.whois.net/ for yahoo.com i get


Domain Administrator

Yahoo! Inc.

701 First Avenue

Sunnyvale CA 94089


domainadmin@yahoo-inc.com +1.4083493300 Fax: +1.4083493301

The same info comes up for yahoo-inc.com

But when i put in cc.yahoo-inc.com [as the email said it came from (such and such at) cc.yahoo-inc.com] into the lookup search box

it does not give any info. Does that mean anything? Or am i not understanding something properly?

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there was no asking off any passwords was there?

yahoo would never do that.

more info on who is cc.yahoo-inc.com


Does that mean an email coming from "cc.yahoo-inc.com" is

coming from "yahoo-inc.com"? The email header said From:

This sender is DomainKeys verified

"yahoo-account-services-us@cc.yahoo-inc.com" <yahoo-account-services-us@cc.yahoo-inc.com>

No no passwords were asked for at that time. Just wondering if the link is clicked from within the email, they may ask at that time. I dont know as havent gone that far, to be safe.

If i go a google search on

"yahoo-account-services-us@cc.yahoo-inc.com" about half think its legit and have fake.

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Hi. I have two yahoo accounts, one is yahoo.com.au (Yahoo!7) & one is yahoo.co.nz (Yahoo!Xtra). About three months ago I logged on to my au account and after entering my password I got a page that asked for two security questions. It did not ask me for a second email address, as I already had one loaded on that account, and this page showed that second email. It was an https site, but I can't remember the certificate details or anything like that.

At first I just closed it and then cleared the cache & then logged on again (in case it was dodgy), and after that I'd get that same security question request page maybe every four log ins or so (always after logging in as usual). I couldn't find anything in the Yahoo FAQ either. I have had that au account for years, so I don't think it is a new account thing. I ignored it for ages, but eventually the page started coming up but with no option to be asked later. In the end I just created some questions, and then I was directed to my mailbox and I've not been asked again. That was about a month ago, and there is no sign of my account being compromised *touches wood*.

I certainly hope it isn't a scam!!!! I wondered if it was just a Yahoo!7 (i.e. Australian Yahoo) thing...? I have not been asked to create security questions on my co.nz account.

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oh i know know what your talking about now.

yahoo did update there info request,you could choose a q and give a awaser,two q`s all in all.

i rejected it myself until i was locked out for not doing so.

then i awansered the two questions and was allowed back in,i wasnt forced to give a 2nd e.mail addy thou,that was just a option.the two securtiy q`s wernt.


Hi. Do you have a yahoo.com.au (Yahoo7!) account by chance? If you're wondering why I ask, please see the comment I posted on this thread. Thanks.

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well they shouldnt for sure ask for any passwords.if so thats deff a scam.

you dont need to read that email.its just a notice.

change your password if you wish,then you will recive a e.maill witch again you dont need to read.

if you think your acc has been hacked then report it to yahoo,theres addys for that.

imo thats just yahoo.nothing sinister.

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i do have a yahoo adddy.

Yes, but is a yahoo. com. au account - or does it end with another suffix (like .co.something, or just .com)? I wondered it it might strictly be a yahoo thing since my yahoo has not asked for secuirty questions.

I forgot to add that I too got an email sent to me to both my primary yahoo account and the alternative account I already had loaded to notify of this change. I still have it and it reads:

"The following has been added to your account:

new secret questions

You can use the alternative email address(es) in your Yahoo! account to reset your password. To ensure that your account information remains accurate and secure, we notify you whenever this information changes.


Yahoo! Account Services"

The above email was from yahoo-account-services-au@cc.yahoo-inc.com & it is domain keys verified.

I got a similar email sent to my second (alternative) email address too:

"The following has been added to your account:

new secret questions

You can use the alternative email address(es) in your Yahoo! account to reset your password. To ensure that your account information remains accurate and secure, we notify you whenever this information changes.

If the Yahoo! ID does not belong to you or if you would like to permanently stop receiving messages for this Yahoo! ID at this email address, please visit the following link:

*link removed, obviously!!!*

I don't know much about phishing, but it seems pretty legit to me. What do you think?

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Aslong as it's a Yahoo URL, it's fine (including but not limited to, yahoo.com, yahoo.co.uk, yahoo.com.au, yahoo.co.nz, yahoo.ru)

All of the Yahoo.*, with the exception of yahoo.com, are also valid as COUNTRY.yahoo.com, for example;




.... etc

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Aslong as it's a Yahoo URL, it's fine (including but not limited to, yahoo.com, yahoo.co.uk, yahoo.com.au, yahoo.co.nz, yahoo.ru)

All of the Yahoo.*, with the exception of yahoo.com, are also valid as COUNTRY.yahoo.com, for example;




.... etc

Thanks MysterFCM. I understand what you've written completely. I don't think I made myself clear though - I realise the suffix after yahoo refers to a country and is quite legitimate. No concerns there at all. I was just wondering if it was only yahoo account holders from one (or some) countries that were being asked to provide security questions, since it seems that not every yahoo account holder is being asked to. I wondered this because my NZ based yahoo account did not invite me to provide security questions.

I thought if there was some common denominator in which yahoo account holders were being asked it would explain why not all yahoo account holders have had this, and perhaps point the likelihood of it being a scam or perfectly genuine. I think it is genuine myself.

Not sure if I've made myself any clearer, but if I haven't then it's no worries. (I perhaps shouldn't post when I'm in the middle of a run of night shifts!) I'll just watch this thread with interest and if I'm concerned about my account potentially being compromised, I shall contact Yahoo!7. :(

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All of the Yahoo registrations I've seen over the years, have asked security questions and for an alternate e-mail address etc. This is actually the first I've heard of such not being asked.

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All of the Yahoo registrations I've seen over the years, have asked security questions and for an alternate e-mail address etc. This is actually the first I've heard of such not being asked.

Actually now you mention it, I was indeed asked for a security question when I first registered my yahoo.com.au account (years ago). I've just remembered what it was. The plot thickens! Maybe they are now adding a second question to tighten up security? So I wonder if my original security question is now void, or, if I now have three security questions loaded? Hmmm, think I shall contact Yahoo!7, though the last time I did that about something unrelated I never heard back...

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I thought the security question was just to verify you if you forget your password like it does for live.com, If so then it should not be asking your for it for just a simple log in?

Also it keeps you logged in for two weeks if you ask it which is probably not a good idea if you share a computer either!

I have lots and lots of email accounts from yahoo and gmail that I use to test out things I want to reg for and so far from the ones I remember still no spam! :(

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I thought the security question was just to verify you if you forget your password like it does for live.com, If so then it should not be asking your for it for just a simple log in?

Also it keeps you logged in for two weeks if you ask it which is probably not a good idea if you share a computer either!

I have lots and lots of email accounts from yahoo and gmail that I use to test out things I want to reg for and so far from the ones I remember still no spam! :(

You do only need a password to log into yahoo, that's right.

You are also always asked to select a security question when you create a yahoo account.

This post is about the fact that recently some yahoo account holders (but not all it seems) are getting redirected to a page (after logging in as usual) that asks you to add two security questions (and an alternative email address if you wish), and once you have done so it sends you to your mailbox as usual. Once you've created two secuirty questions your primary yahoo account and your alternative account get an email to say "there has been a change to your account - the addition of secuirty questions". The email to the alternative account has a link to go to if it was not you who made this change. This security question page says it is to help you retrieve your password in the future if it is lost.

The odd thing is that 1) all yahoo accounts ask you to create a security question routinely when you create an account anyway, 2) only some yahoo account holders are getting directed to this page and asked to create another two security questions, and from what I can determine there is no rhyme or reason to who is being asked, 3) many people who are getting asked to create two new security have had their yahoo accounts for years (i.e. it is not a new account they are registering). Hence the OP wondering if it is genuine or a scam.

I only ever got redirected to this page after I had logged in with my username and password as usual, and it would only happen every 4 or so log ins. Initially it would give the option to "ask me later", but then after ignoring it for a few weeks it took that away so I had to answer it or I couldn't get to my mailbox after logging in.

I never store passwords or select the option to remain logged in. Too paranoid!

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That is strange, though possibly its something they are rolling out bit by bit, I have looked on Yahoo for any mention of the new system but I cannot see anything mentioned about it. I would be nice for a "heads up" about these kinds of changes!

Also I gave up making yahoo accounts because of all the hoops they make you jump through, So I started using Gmail but as that now asks you for a mobile number to verify the account I will have to go somewhere else now!

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That is strange, though possibly its something they are rolling out bit by bit, I have looked on Yahoo for any mention of the new system but I cannot see anything mentioned about it. I would be nice for a "heads up" about these kinds of changes!

Also I gave up making yahoo accounts because of all the hoops they make you jump through, So I started using Gmail but as that now asks you for a mobile number to verify the account I will have to go somewhere else now!

Gmail is starting to ask you to add a cell phone number?! I don't like that at all! I wonder if they then send you something (to your phone) to verify you have given the right number? If they do then you can't put in false details. Usually I do put in false postcodes and names etc just to make my account a bit harder to hack. So what if you don't have a cell phone?? I se Gmail alot but haven't struck this question (yet).

Yeah the yahoo thing is strange. I created my 2 new security questions a month or so ago & have not had any signs of my account being compromised. Assuming it is genuine, I'm now wondering if my original security question is still valid or if it is now void? I'm going to try and contact yahoo and get anwer - if I do I'll let everyone know here. I won't hold my breath though - they've not answered some of my support request emails in the past.

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