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Newly imaged Windows 10 - Rootkit.ADS Quarantined


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I took Windows 10 x64 1607 updated to 1703 after coming out of the sysprep state with Audit Mode. I get the following error Malwarebytes Alert: Malware Threat Detected Rootkit.ADS Quarantined    c:\Windows\syswow64:win32app_1 generated by Malwarebytes Management Server. Please do not reply to this message. I have scanned and rescanned with Rootkit Tools and each time come up clean. is this a false positive? I understand there was a conflict with Malwarebytes and the Windows 10 1703 Creator update. would this be flagged as malware. also I notice that it has turned off Windows Defender where previously it was on.

This image contains:

McAfee AV, Malwarebytes Managed Client, had Windows Defender.


Thank you,



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