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Issue Between MBAM 3.2.2 Premium & Firefox 52.03

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Hi @moo4x--

As @nikhils mentioned, the fix was released in the latest component package 1.0.207.  If you have not received that component update automatically yet, if you have Malwarebytes 3.2.2 installed you can go to Settings > Application > Install Application Updates to get it. (Note: manually checking may not work with versions earlier than 3.2.2 due to upgrade limits enforced on the backend.)

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Hello @moo4x

Please collect the following logs using the following forum posts.

Also when Firefox crashes please do this:

1. Go to the Taskmanager

2. Go to the Processes tab.

3. Right click on the crashing firefox process and click on "Create Dump File"

Please attach the Dump file to this post. Also can you attach the screenshot of the crash .

Thank you.

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I'm going to try to send you the files soon. Important fyi: ever since I did the update you suggested, several things are intermittently hosing: most notably my main Browser, Pale Moon 26.5 & my VPN. MBAM has also hosed once. Sending this now while everything is working.

I finally managed to get back to being somewhat functional by restoring a 2 day old back up from Greatis Regrun; it said it could not restore the previous winsock.dll.

I'm afraid the fix may be worse than the problem.........

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Here you go. Right clicking did not do anything significant; I harvested the FF log & created a tex59cf23059b0b8_ffscreen.jpg.be2e4bee32873354facb9317760b5bf8.jpgt file. Please keep in mind the ONLY changes the last few days were the Mbam update. I did get hit with the bad C Cleaner last month, but after removing it a week orso ago, & removing the registry entries it left, I haven't noticed any problems until I tried booting FF a couple days ago (It's not my primary browser). BTW, it would be nice if MBAM could find any remnants of the stage 1 back door & remove them!

I also have a 2nd very similar pc that I haven't tried booting FF on until this one gets resolved. It is not having any of the other issues this one started having after the MBAM update.

Can you please remove my email address from the jpg? Your site wouldn't let me delete it after I hit 59cf23059b0b8_ffscreen.jpg.be2e4bee32873354facb9317760b5bf8.jpgupload.



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Hello @moo4x

From you mb-check logs it seems you are still on the old controllers version 1.0.188. The Firefox crash fix is in CU version 1.0.207

Lets try this:

1. Download the latest installer from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3

2. Run the install on top of your existing product. Please note you don't have to uninstall anything.

After the latest product is installed in the product UI please check the version number. You should see Component Package version as 1.0.207

You should not be seeing the Firefox Crash in the new build.

Please let me know.

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I am REALLY frustrated. Firefox is fine now, but I still have to turn off the protection module to use a zip program, open a Word doc, & who knows what else.

I have been a customer for several years & I really do like the protection MBAM offers (though again, I wish the heuristics part would have caught the C Cleaner mess...).

However, no other program has ever given me this much trouble with almost EVERY update, other than Windows update for 7 & 10; which I also find to be a nightmare.

Again, the machine in this thread is a 32 bit XP SP3. I suspect there's an incompatibility between the latest MBAM & XP.


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One last comment: I found several other impacted issues; including the pc won't see my scanner unless I turn off the protection module & [pwer cycle the scanner. All is well with the Module turned off (which is what I am doing at this point, this was making the pc pretty worthless). The non-Firefox issues started with the latest Firefox fix version.

Which brings me back to:

A. How important is that module to the pc's security?

B. I wish MBAM would do a bit more QC testing before offering updates. As I said above, I can't remember the last MBAM update that didn't cause issues for me.

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I'm seriously considering going back to 3.1.2, as I am continuing to experience numerous problems with programs not running (I spoke to soon earlier).

Can I just install over the top of 3.2.2, or should I do a complete uninstall with Mbam Clean first?

As I said in an earlier post, I am beyond frustrated.



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Sorry to hear you're having these strange issues. The scanner issue is very strange, since that's not something we generally monitor. Let's start by answering your questions:

  1. How important is Self-Protection to the PC's security?
    Self-protection is designed to keep Malwarebytes safe from a virus or threat trying to delete it. It's not required, but is usually a big help to keeping Malwarebytes, and therefore your computer, safe.
  2. I wish MBAM would do more QC
    I can promise you we do a lot of QA, but unfortunately we cannot test every single scenario as there are an incalculable amount of possible software configurations on computers. That's not to say these issues are excusable, just that unfortunately it's not feasible to test every piece of software for every release.
  3. Can I install 3.1.2 over 3.2.2?
    No you can't. To rollback to 3.1.2, you'd have to uninstall 3.2.2 first (make note of your product key) and re-install 3.1.2. However this is not recommended

If all of your issues go away when disabling self-protection, that is probably your safest bet at this point. Do you get any error messages from Word, your zip program, or your scanner when trying to access them? Does Malwarebytes show any detection warnings?

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