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I'm here, would like to suggest a new setting to be included in the next version of the Malwarebytes' Anti Malware. There is a setting for 'Automatically save and display logfile after removal', but there's no settings to set the location for the logfiles to be saved at.

Since choosing directories for saved logfiles are important, I would like to suggest the new setting for the availability for setting the logfiles directory.

Besides that, there's also no settings to cancel the display of logfiles. I agreed that logfiles are important and should be studied in case of a virus or malware detection to know the exact directory of the infection, but there's no need to read them at the moment. 'Automatically save logfile after removal (without display)' should be included.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused, and thank you in advance.

Btw, my informations are in my signatures.

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