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Farbar Scan submitted - CCleaner infection aftermath


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Hello, in response to Infected by CCleaner windows 64bit (Cupcake) I hope someone could please look at my scans, I ran Malwarebytes scan the day after finding out 5.33 download was hacked; it found the malware and I quarantined and deleted it. I then did my best to try and restore back to before the infection took hold. I don't know how good that worked, when I scan with MWB its clean. Attached are the Farbar and Addition files. Please advise when you can thank you very much - Do I need to do anything else at this point?  Ps ( It was on my Windows 7 too, did the Malware scan, quar, delete and back up restore to earlier point)

Mike- a humble appreciative customer.



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Kevin, thanks for the interest.  I downloaded and installed V5.33 of Crap Cleaner and it was on two of my machines; Malwarebytes found the infection(s), which I quarantined and removed. I just wanted to make sure it was gone?  Some suggestions alluded to restoring PC to "new"...Just making sure that infections are not hiding out or dormant or something? That's why I took the extra steps by investigating it more here and doing suggested measures, that's all. I might run my windows 7 with the same and submit, too.

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You are running a 64 bit system, as far as i`m aware it was the 32 bit version of CCleaner V5.33 that was exploited. If your scans with Malwarebytes and Defender are clean you have no need to be concerned....

If you want your system with windows 7 checked over run FRST and post the two produced logs as a reply to this thread....



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22 hours ago, kevinf80 said:

"as far as i`m aware it was the 32 bit version of CCleaner V5.33 that was exploited"

Kevin, that's what I have not figured out, both PC's did have the Floxif Malware on them. The one PC is an older Acer which has Windows 7, and the other this (HP) started out as Windows 8, 8.5, then 10. Was there somehow partitions for 32/64?  Anyway,  it seemed like it was a bad bug. Thanks for your help. All good now till next time... any minute now the way it goes now a days..  

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