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I use the above mentioned version of MBAE since I am not yet convinced with the newer Malwarebytes 3 version enough to trust that it has ironed out all it's issues as an all in one suite to run without conflicts and problems and prefer to still run Malwarebytes Anti-malware and Anti-exploit separately whilst I use WinAntiRanson as part of WIn Patrol for my Ransomware protection. 

My MBAE subscription had expired and I was sure I had renewed my subscription. Having been busy around the time of renewal I thought nothing more of it till I wondered recently if mine was still valid as I noticed the latest version was and yet mine seems not to have upgraded automatically and still shows as How do i ascertain it's validity from the Application short of checking any receipt of payment or/and my bank statement to verify this? 

MBAE Subscription.PNG

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  • Staff

Hey Marky200,


Your version you are using is still valid. While you correct that there is a new test build (.37) on the forum, we have not pushed that out through automatic updates yet. One thing with 1.10 is that we opened up the premium shields to any free users now. So the subscription renewal would go toward the mb3 product. If you would like, I can have someone contact you about your subscription in a PM. 

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