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Is this post just to complain or do you have something constructive to add or report?

im stateing that the ip reportings screwed up again and i cant turn it off ok or is that not allowed to be mentioned??

as its sending false reports its like the boy who cried wolf useless in my eyes

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came up here

Hi Mark.

I'll pass this IP along to the person responsible for maintaining them. If you find others which you don't feel should be blocked, Please post them. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience we have caused you by blocking these sites.

You did mean right?

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Hi Mark.

I'll pass this IP along to the person responsible for maintaining them. If you find others which you don't feel should be blocked, Please post them. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience we have caused you by blocking these sites.

You did mean right?

they didnt block acess just pop up saying was as it comes up here on this site:)

and as you see im here:)

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