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I have had this same issue and the update to RST did indeed help for a while.

However, the ATAPI errors are back!

Scan (with rootkit scan enabled) performed today, resulting in a system that is not responsive during the rootkit scan part, with multiple instances against the IDE port that corresponds to the hard disk with the system drive (C:). The machine runs W7SP1 and the highest version of Intel RST officially supported and available for this platform (Asus P8P67D mobo), which is

Version: MBAM free version with latest signatures (Aug 26, roughly 9:30am PST).

Additional notes: only happens during MBAM scan, no other issues, errors, etc.

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Reporting back. Version 3.2 works fine regarding the disk/ataport functionality. Seems to be fixed.

Can you share what was changed on the driver/fs level as I did notice the userspace-reported disk activity goes down to zero during the scan, so I presume you are using your own access to the disk structure.

On a side note, the installation was not smooth - it failed to restart its service, required second installation to fix it. But this is a separate topic.

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