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Windows 10 pc not starting due to stop code 0x0000135

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I've had a similar problem before which was an mbam Swiss army file which I was able to identify by disabling startup repair and then getting a fix from another thread of mine. But this is different because I can't turn the recovery off as CMD can't find the file specified, I just get that stop code sometimes. I have attached the frst log

Stop code 0x0000135


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1 hour ago, AdvancedSetup said:

I'd like to get the Additions.txt log file too please.

So, Last Known Good does not work?

What about a previous restore point?


I can't provide the additions as my computer gets stuck on automatic repair and for some reason I don't have a system restore point


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10 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

From the Recovery Console command prompt you should be able to run the following commands. Then reboot and it should try to boot up without the repair.

bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures


I've done that and now it loops on to this screen 


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  • Root Admin

Yes, unfortunately there is something more severe going on with your computer.

Please review the following topic on possible methods to fix your computer
Troubleshooting Windows 8 and 10 Failure to Start

If you're unable to repair the computer, here is an article on doing a fresh install of Windows 10
Clean Install Windows 10

Let me know how that goes

Thank you




Edited by AdvancedSetup
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