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Firewall Ports

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Hi @mihnehtoox

What are the required server communication ports for the final clients in the scan?

Firewall off or ports for mbmc are open (defaults are 18457, 443 and 137)
.NET Framework 3.5
Windows Installer 4.0 or higher
Turn on Network discovery, File sharing and Printer sharing. 

Be aware the Microsoft deprecation of netbios may affect your ability to discover endpoints using the client push install tool!

Do the mbae, mabm, and mbarw client ports update to the network?

External URLs to have open for MBMC
Port 443 outbound
Port 443 outbound
Port 443 outbound

For the server, also add the keystone address to IE's trusted site list and disable IE Enhanced Security if you still have it enabled.

Are clients' updates searched on the internet or on the server?

You choose this in your policy, whether to have the client reach out to the internet own their own (saving you a ton of bandwidth), or to have the management server host them (useful for machines not typically connected to the external internet).

Edited by djacobson
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