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I am using the latest MB Premium and Norton Security, but I've been infected with something which appears to be a ransomware.  I can see new hidden folders being created with garbage named files in them.  I am not sure if they were my files and folders being renamed or not.  I turned off my computer because I really didn't know what to do.  Now I'm afraid to turn it back on.  I have disconnected it from my router.  Since it is off I can't get the logs that are requested in the posting of instructions.  What do I need to do now.  Why didn't MB stop this from happening.


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Looks like I jumped to an erroneous conclusion.  I don't think I am actually infected.  The files and folders I am seeing were installed by CyberReason RansomFree as bait files.  These are normal and the modified dates on them can change for different reasons including installing updates of the program which I did yesterday.

Sorry for the alarm.  You can go ahead and close this topic.


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