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I just installed Secunia PSI and did a scan. It had me update Open Office.org and I have a few questions.

1. Do I need Open office.org

2. When I updated to 2.4 it installed an older version of Java during the update process. Can I remove that older version? TIA ;)

When downloading new versions of Java, old ones still have security holes that exist, so YES, remove the old version(s).

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I agree with Noah, remove the old version it installed as it contains known security vulnerabilities and you don't need it ;) . As for Open Office, if you use it then you'll want to keep it. It's a free, open source office sweet that offers much of the same functionality as Microsoft Office (including the ability to open, edit and create MS Office proprietary format files such as .doc :) ). If you don't use it or don't even know what it is, and you're the only one who uses that PC, then go ahead and uninstall it. The Java installers always offer to install Open Office but it is entirely optional.

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