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I have several headless workstations by which the only contact is RDP.  When logged in I get the pop-up to update Ant-Ransomware, but clicking on the install button just makes the pop-up go away and the system tray icon to disappear.  Only a log out/log in will bring back the system tray icon.  It will then again ask for you to install the update.  For the one I can attach screen-keyboard then I can update normally.

How do I update via RDP?




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Morning @mwb_bobsca, let's first assess how your environment is configured.

I had a few questions:

1. What is your current installed version and component update version of mbarw? Is it beta8 or beta9? I assume you have beta8 installed, but will ask anyway if your process performed had a different approach. You can find this in the About section of the dashboard. e.g. consumer Component Update Package 1.1.66 or consumer Component Update Package 1.1.86.

2. What operating systems are these workstations running? Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10? 32-bit or 64-bit? You can find this information by performing a right-click on My computer/This PC and Select System properties under Windows edition and System type. e.g. Win 10 Pro x86 or Win 10 Pro x64.

3. What other Malwarebytes products do you have installed besides mbarw? 

I will need this data from you in ZIP/RAR/7z format:

1. Gathering setup logs

Navigate to C:\Users\<hostname>\AppData\Local\Temp or enter %temp% in an Explorer window (Ctrl-E) and collect any logs that you can find. Please, copy them to your Desktop. Zip these logs and please attach.
e.g. mb_setup.log, Setup Log 2017-08-10 #001.txt

2. Gathering arw related logs

  1. Download the trusted, Malwarebytes authored arwlogs.exe utility/tool and save only to a system Administrator's desktop of the system in question.
  2. arwlogs.exe is an information gathering tool that neither installs nor does it make system/registry hive changes.
  3. Single right-click the j1Bynr2.png&key=c55e643d4ec26aa771880d2d  arwlogs.exe icon and select RunAsAdmin.jpg  Run as administrator from the Windows context menu.
  4. If a Windows User Account Control (UAC) alert/prompt for arwlogs.exe appears, select the "Yes" button to continue.
  5. If a Windows SmartScreen warning alert/prompt for arwlogs.exe appears, select "More info" then select the "Run anyway" button to continue.
  6. A Command window will appear and its contents may be mostly ignored.
  7. When "Press any key to continue . . . " appears at the bottom of the Command window, type an Enter key to close the window.
  8. A zipped archive (yyyy-mm-dd-{COMPUTERNAME}.zip) should have been generated to the system Administrator's desktop.
  9. Delete arwlogs.exe from the Administrator desktop.
  10. Attach the above-zipped archive to your next reply in this topic.


Thanks for your patience.



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Good Morning,

Before I go through all that perhaps I should ask a more pertinent question.  We have your enterprise, in-house, option; a hundred seats I believe.  We will not go to a cloud solution so we are sticking with your in-house offerings. 

Question: When will the anti-ransomware module be available to the product that we use?  I just got the update notice, but I have not looked at it yet.  If it will be offered soon then I will just wait until I can management directly from the console.



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Hi @mwb_bobsca,

Unfortunately, I am required to hand-off any corporate customers to our Business Support team.  I would encourage that you engage them through this: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/business/#techhelp

However, if you can provide me with the logs and the other information I requested above, I can at least start some analysis based on the logs and other information, and will make sure to pass along the analysis to my colleagues at Business Support.


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