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How to remove fake "Security Center Alert"?

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Hello all...

I'm new here, and don't really know what to post to give you all the information to help me fix this? A pop-up came up on my computer. When clicking the [X] (close) button another pop-up came up asking me to choose Okay or Cancel, so I click the [X] on that too...and it took me back to the first pop-up. Did this a good 15 times, but accidentally hit OK. Another pop-up then came up and labeled as "Security Center Alert" and there was a fake picture that it was scanning my drive...and then another pop-up said my computer was infected.

I couldn't get it to clock so I brought up the Task Manager and closed it that way. While Googling how to remove it some errors about some registry crashing came up, and then I got the Blue Screen Of Death. I can no longer boot up my PC in normal mode...I always get the BSOD where the Vista logo comes up...so I have to use Safe Mode with networking.

I did some Googling and found that Malwarebyte's is good for this kind of stuff. It wouldn't run until I renamed the .exe file. I also downloaded Kaspersky, but it wont install in safe mode (and read that you shouldn't install 2 anti-viruses at one time).

Sorry if I'm rambling...just trying to give as much detail so I can get this resolved quicker. ;.; Please help.

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