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I have used this forum before with great success for my fiancee's laptop and now my pc is having issues. I currently run eset smart security and use malwarebytes to scan weekly. Just today, however, a nasty little program called Windows Antivirus Pro found its way into my pc. After trying to get rid of it using malwarebytes and eset I restarted the computer and very bad things started to happen. Everytime I click on any .exe file the following message shows up:

16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem


SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\VirtualDeviceDrivers. Virtual Device Driver format in the registry is invalid. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

-Also, behind it, a DOS prompt window opens.

Clicking on ignore or close causes both windows to go away.

I have tried installing combofix and hijackthis in order to prep logs for you, but once downloaded they will not open.The above message just shows up again.

I have tried running malwarebytes in safemode, but the same above message shows up.

Also, I cannot get regedit, regdt32, msconfig or cmd to function from the RUN feature.

I found the Windows Antivirus Pro program files on my C: drive and deleted them.

Oddly enough (Although I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation unbeknownst to me) Internet Explorer will run.

I am fairly competent when it comes to computers and, as I have said, I have used Combofix and HijackThis before, but I can't get any .exe to open.

Please help me!

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To get you fixed up please follow the instructions here:

I'm infected - What do I do now?

And post your logs in a new topic here:

Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs

Please be sure not to install any software or use any removal or scanning tools exept those that you are

instructed to by the expert who will be assisting you as doing so can make their job much more difficult.

note: if for some reason you are unable to run some or any of the tools in the first link, then skip that step and move on to the next one.

If you can't even run HijackThis, then just post here: Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs describing your issues and an expert will reply with further instructions.

I hope I was helpful. Good luck and safe surfing. <_<

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