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Nice :unsure: .

Tenenbaum's lawyer, Harvard Law School professor Charles Nesson, said the jury's verdict was not fair. He said he plans to appeal the decision because he was not allowed to argue a case based on fair use.
His lawyer must have an odd definition of fair use. We should be allowed to rip any and all media we purchase from a legitimate source to our PC's and play it on any device we'd like, however any sort of distribution to any third parties is against the law and has nothing to do with fair usage laws (sorry seeders and other P2P users <_< ).
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Nice :unsure: .

His lawyer must have an odd definition of fair use. We should be allowed to rip any and all media we purchase from a legitimate source to our PC's and play it on any device we'd like, however any sort of distribution to any third parties is against the law and has nothing to do with fair usage laws (sorry seeders and other P2P users <_< ).


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