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I reinstalled Windows 10 Home yesterday and installed the following apps in this order: Revo Uninstaller Pro, Malwarebytes, Steam, The Long Dark, and Prey. I restarted the system a few times with no issues. Today I installed the following in this order: Citrix Receiver 4.6, Brave (browser). After rebooting, UEFI presumably kicks in and Windows states that the digital signature for MBAMChameleon.sys cannot be verified. The only way to bypass is disabling signature verification  in startup options.

After booting, I ran Start > Run > sigverif. I checked Digital Signature tab in file properties, and the Digital signature timestamp was dated 6/27/17. Signing time was 6/27/17 by DigiCert.

I restarted and received the same digital signature issue on boot.

Thoughts? Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.


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  • Staff

Hi Veers,

Thanks for reporting.

First of all, can you uninstall Malwarebytes again? Then use the mbam-clean utility: 

Please reboot. Then reinstall Malwarebytes again.

If that didn't fix it, then it might be possible you got infected with one of these adware variants that puts malwarebytes certificates as untrusted. In order to get rid of this, please read the following:

If it has found any issues, please let it remediate what it has found and try again if MBAM3 is able to run. If it's able to run, I suggest you do an additional scan with it to get rid of any leftovers.


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