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I'm new to Malwarebytes but heard people saying it was a safe protection program. 

After downloading the latest version of Malewarebytes ( and running a system scan I was notified of a lot of PUP's on my computer, was prompted to restart, and upon restarting my PC several programs I use on a regular basis are not working properly.

Bitdefender is stuck asking me to sign into an account where the page won't load, Steam is giving me an error (registry path not writable), and Discord is stuck trying to load the latest update over and over.


I have tried un-quarantining the PUP's, restarting my PC, uninstalling/reinstalling Malwarebytes, deleting the PUP's, and it seems like nothing is working. I currently have left Malwarebytes uninstalled for the time being until I can figure out a solution as to why all of this is happening.

I also had to go through apps & features to uninstall Malwarebytes because accessing the uninstall option through control panel was not working for some reason. 


To be clear, my PC was running faster, and without any of these issues before installing and running Malwarebytes.


Hope to hear from you guys soon. Thanks :)


Also, my operating system is Windows 10

Edited by LeviAnderson
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