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Just upgraded our MB console to Deployed two client updates and they appear to have gone well. The only issue I have is that when I try to launch Anti-Exploit I get a message,

"The Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit service is taking too long to start. Please reboot your computer to restart protection."

Rebooting doesn't fix the issue. Is there anything more I need to do for the service to start? I'd love to upgrade the remaining systems in our office.

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  • Staff

Hello Sandy,


Do you mind taking a screenshot of of the programfiles(x86) directory of anti-exploit? If there is a tmp folder in there, do you mind taking a screenshot of what is in there as well? If a reboot does not fix it, then it can sometimes mean that the files did not transfer correctly on the upgrade. So I want to see if any files did not swap over and what files they are.


I also had a separate question, did the machines you have deployed (with or without 1.8 mb console) have 1413 on them already? 

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