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On my good XP Pro SP3 machine, I just got a prompt to update to a better subversion of MB, from my 3.0.[something]  to I think 3.2.

But when I did the version update and rebooted, the MB service was blocked - got two error messages.  Checked, and MB was not running at all.  Uh-oh.

So I completely UNinstalled MB and reinstalled from the 3.0.x install file I still had in Downloads from this past April.  And updated the definitions the normal way.  It's running again as version 3.0.6.  Whew!

But what's the problem between the new version and XP?

Important info:  1)  My XP is fully updated using the POS hack.  (If you don't know what that is by now, don't try it at home!!)

2)  My AV is Avast, but Avast and MB have been playing nice for some time now.  And Avast usually does not cause error messages like the one I describe above for the new MB.

3)  I also use CryptoPrevent, which prevents .exe files from running in, for example, AppData folders.  It also stops some other stuff that ransomware likes to do.  Might that be the problem?  if yes, is there a specific MB installation folder or file I should whitelist for the next time?

Thanks, y'all.  Happy Fourth and Fireworks from the good 'ole USA !! 

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4 minutes ago, glnz said:

But if I get the version update prompt again, is it SUPPOSED to work in XP?

Let us get a clean install of the current version.

We have another tool called MB-Clean which will automate the whole process for you.

 Tool can be found at https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean

1. After downloading the tool run the tool.

2. The tool will automatically clean up the older possibly damaged installation and will ask you for a restart.

3. Restart your system and then the MB-Clean tool will prompt you to re-install the latest product.

4. Click on "Yes" to reinstall MB 3.×.

5. Now you will have the latest product installed.

Please let me know if you are still seeing issues after the latest product install.


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  • 1 month later...

Same problem - the updated MB 3.x.x stops Firefox from starting on my XP SP3 machine (that I have kept updated by using the POS hack).

I also did a fresh install of MB but same problems.

ALSO, as soon as I updated the MB to this new 3.x.x, it caused two BSODs.

So I used the clean tool to get rid of MB completely.

I don't want to re-download the new 3.x.x that is proactive (Trial Period) for two weeks.  I would like to re-download MB Free that does little except when I run a scan.  Where can I get that?

By the way, I also have Avast AV and security on my Firefox that includes NoScript, Better Privacy, Cookie Monster, HTTPS Everywhere, etc.  My PC has 4GB RAM.


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Same here exactly, including Firefox issue on my XP machine that is fully updated using the POS hack.

I have fully deleted this new MB trial period update 3.x.x.

ALSO, as soon as I updated the MB to this new 3.x.x, it caused two BSODs.

Where can we get the old MB Free that does nothing until we run a scan or check a download file?



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1 hour ago, glnz said:

I don't want to re-download the new 3.x.x that is proactive (Trial Period) for two weeks.  I would like to re-download MB Free that does little except when I run a scan.  Where can I get that?

It is the same download you just turn off the trial in Settings -My Account after install.

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Devin - thanks for reply, but what do I actually do to deactivate the trial?  And then I'd have to first re-install MB, yes?

Sorry, but given the BSODs, I'm just not willing to take a chance.  Shall wait for MB to fix the underlying problem first.

Also, I posted a zip with data on another thread.

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