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I recently tried to reactivate my two device perpetual license on my PC following a forced rebuild due to Windows 7 issues.  The licence would not activate showing as activation limit reached.  On that occasion I stupidly purchased another copy of MalwareBytes.

Last week I reinstalled my Windows 7 on my laptop, which previously did successfully activate.  I have had the same issue in that the reactivation result is that activation limit has been reached.

In both cases I have simply reinstalled windows on the same two PC's on which MWB was originally installed and previously successfully activated.  As mentioned my license is perpetual and f for two devices.

Tried contacting MWB support on 28 June but no response other than the automated 'we will get back to you' message.


Any ideas please??




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Hello @GAM1951:

Since the only solution to a product licensing issue is to contact the Malwarebytes helpdesk, you will need to wait for their reply.  If you have not received an email reply in the next 48 hours, please reply to this topic and an escalation request can be made.  The helpdesk may have an overloaded queue.  This may be compounded by a long national holiday weekend in the United States where Malwarebytes Corporate headquarters is located.

If the most recent license purchase was made within the last 30 days, you may request a full refund.  HTH and thank you for your patience and understanding.

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