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I just reformatted my PC and reinstalled malwarebytes. When I went to activate my license it says the usage level has exceeded the maximum allowed. I have only used this license key on my personal desktop PC.


What do I need to do in order to activate this key that I am still paying for?

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Hello @euroapex911:

Thank you for reporting the system's issue with license activation.  Sometimes it is overlooked that licenses need to be deactivated before rebuilding a system.

When the maximum allowable activations limit have been exceeded, contact will need to be made with the helpdesk to resolve that issue.

The helpdesk may be reached through https://support.malwarebytes.com/?b_id=6400

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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Probable Solution:- Create an account with the same email id you made the purchase from. Log into your account you will find Subscription tab on the left corner. Now - Deactivate all products & wait for 24 Hopefully this will work. This is what worked for me


Edited by DontDisclose
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My issue was solved promptly wednesday afternoon. Thanks for the help. I can't really complain because this was my mistake after all. Perhaps there should be some sort of warning when you purchase the software that one needs to deactivate it if you are going to be buying a new computer or in my case reformatting. 

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