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I'm having the "Cannot connect to system" issue on a Windows 10 PC immediately after upgrading from version 3.0.6 to, and so is one of my clients. Both have active licenses and the older version of Malwarebytes has been in active service successfully.

I don't have access to the client PC but I'll follow the steps at the "Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps" page and let you know what the results are.

Thanks in advance - Dave

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Well, I guess I won't be of much help after all. Or maybe I will...?

I just replaced the 3.1.2.x version with the previous version 3.0.6 via installing it without uninstalling the 3.1.2 version first, because I needed to get my client protected again ASAP and she was calling me on the phone. After doing that, I reinstalled 3.1.2 (again, without uninstalling the previous version) so I could run the utilities to obtain the log files to post here.

However, upon reinstalling version 3.1.2 it seems to work ok now! I have just restarted the PC in question and upon rebooting it Malwarebytes 3.1.2 is working.

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6 hours ago, ssoundman said:

However, upon reinstalling version 3.1.2 it seems to work ok now! I have just restarted the PC in question and upon rebooting it Malwarebytes 3.1.2 is working.

Often simply re-installing on top of your existing install remedies "cannot connect to service". But not in all cases... But it's a simple thing to try.

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