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When I bought your product you acceptd my card but I didn't get my licesne  key
I still need help and I only have 3 days left

From: "Malwarebytes Support" <support@malwarebytes.com>
To: <blocked>@comcast.net
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2017 8:52:26 AM
Subject: FOLLOW UP: Case #1328741  Case Subject:I upgraded to the advanced version but you didn&#x27;t agnowledge it or provid an activation key
Malwarebytes | May 13, 2017 08:52AM PDT
Hi Robert,
Just checking in - I wanted to see if your issue was resolved, or if you need further assistance. If your issue is resolved there is no need to reply. If you still need help, or a little more time feel free to reach back during a time that is convenient for you. As you know we are always here to assist. 
Thank you for choosing Malwarebytes!
Best regards,
Malwarebytes Support Team
This message was sent to <blockedheretoo>@comcast.net in reference to Case #1328741 
Case Subject:I upgraded to the advanced version but you didn't aknowledge it or provied an activation key, you accepted my credit card, I still have to use the free temp version, Harly Peirce informs me that you guys are good and to be trusted.
Edited by gonzo
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  • Root Admin

Hello @BobGratton and :welcome:

Based on the information provided to our Customer Support Team they were unable to locate any purchase license information. Please check with your credit card company and verify with them if the transaction was completed successfully. My guess is something went wrong during the transaction, otherwise, we should have a record of it too. Are you sure you didn't purchase from another site or vendor?

Thank you




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