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My MacBook Pro makes backups via wifi to my TimeCapsule. And ik make backups to an external diskdrive which is normally unattached. If I get ransomeware, can encrypt the malicious software my TimeCapsule via wifi? I am aware of the fact that TimeMachine can make a backup to the TimeCapsule of encrypted files in the early stage of encrypting. 

Thanks in advance!

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The problem with a Time Capsule is that - although this is hidden from view - the backup volume gets mounted in /Volumes/ just like any external hard drive while a backup is going on. This means that any potential future ransomware could, if it gets root permissions, damage your backups.

So even if you're using a Time Capsule, it's still important to have disconnected backups. And not just because of ransomware... keeping a backup hard drive off-site somewhere is also important in the currently more likely event of a theft, fire, etc.

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