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So you get so many complaints about a problem that YOU'RE NOT FIXING that you just stop allowing people to make posts?  You force people to open a new topic?!  THIS IS NOT NOT NOT how I like products I pay for to perform!!  I've tried all the things you've suggested and it's STILL NOT WORKING!!!  I'm not a computer savvy person WHICH IS WHY I PAY FOR THINGS TO PROTECT MY COMPUTER and FOR SAID THINGS TO WORK!!!!!!!!!   No matter what I do - or should I say - no matter what you all tell me to do - my protection layers won't stay turned on, specifically the real-time protection layer AND IF THAT DOESN'T WORK - WHAT THE HECK AM I PAYING FOR?!!!  I am beyond irritated and frustrated.  This needs to be fixed or I don't care if it's past the 30 day refund mark, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!  I will not pay for a product that doesn't work.  Please advise.

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Since I can't visit any websites, what with my real-time protection being on the blink, I downloaded the mb check file you recommend in the whole thread dedicated to your new update not working, and tried to run it and my whole laptop locked up - I just got the circle going around and around and had to hold down the power button to turn the machine off.  I couldn't get the to the task menu thing to shut it down, so now I can't even follow your instructions to figure out why your program won't run.  What now? 

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Hello and Welcome.... (I don't work for Malwarebytes, but I do help around here)

What version of Malwarebytes do you have installed?  What antivirus program are you using?

Lets make sure you have a fresh reboot of the system first, then lets try to get the logs once again... Lets start with the FRST logs first, and post those first... then move on to the mb-check logs next.

Let's try and get some logs first so the team can review them and see if they can tell what may be causing your issues....

  1. If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: mb-check-results.zip, FRST.txt, Addition.txt)

Please let us know how it goes.

Thank You,


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3 hours ago, Firefox said:

Hello and Welcome.... (I don't work for Malwarebytes, but I do help around here)

What version of Malwarebytes do you have installed?  What antivirus program are you using?

Lets make sure you have a fresh reboot of the system first, then lets try to get the logs once again... Lets start with the FRST logs first, and post those first... then move on to the mb-check logs next.

Let's try and get some logs first so the team can review them and see if they can tell what may be causing your issues....

  1. If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: mb-check-results.zip, FRST.txt, Addition.txt)

Please let us know how it goes.

Thank You,


What version of Malwarebytes do you have installed? - / component package version - 1.0.43 / update package version - 1.0.2206

What antivirus program are you using? - Norton security

I tried downloading the FRST64.EXE and Norton says it's unsafe and removed it.  Thanks for your help, BUT I NEED THIS PROBLEM TO BE FIXED!  i refuse to download things recommended by this site because it either LOCKS UP MY COMPUTER (MBCHECK) or IT KICKS OFF MY ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM (FRST).  How can Malwarebytes recommend LINKING TO FAULTY WEBSITES that are supposed to help?!


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Hello @DeeCee

3.0.5 is an older version of the product which had some issues around Web protection.

Lets try and run the MB-Clean tool and get a clean install on your system.

Tool can be found at : https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean

1. After downloading the tool run the tool.
2. Tool will automatically clean up the older  product and will ask you for a restart.
3. Restart your system and then the MB-Clean tool will prompt you to re-install the latest product .
4. Click on "Yes" to reinstall MB 3.×.
5. Now you will have the latest product installed.

Let us know if that fixed the issue.

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Thanks for that info... version 3.0.5 is quite old, and many fixes have been applied to the latest version... you should update to the latest version which more than likely will fix your issue.. Download from the link below and install over the top, if that does not work I will give you instructions for a clean re-install if needed.


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I ran the MB-clean tool and it supposedly removed the malwarebytes program BUT IT DID NOT REINSTALL AFTER THE REBOOT - IT JUST SITS THERE!!!!!!  This is totally unacceptable - how are your products that should be helping just work so poorly?  And please don't say it's something I did wrong - all I did was exactly what you said to do and it's still not working!  There's NO PHONE NUMBER TO CALL FOR SUPPORT and it's clear the support I'm able to get here IS NOT WORKING! 

I just uploaded a screenshot and the error log generated by the non-install of malwarebytes after the mb clean tool didn't work.  I need to get this fixed as THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO SPEND MY DAY OFF AND I haven't even had my morning coffee dealing with this cluster. 

Raggedy Malwarebytes Install 062217 Capture.PNG


Edited by DeeCee
add mb-clean.txt file & additional comment
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Hello @DeeCee

That does not seem right. It will be interesting to find out why the GUI is hanging from the logs.

You would have something like mb-clean-result.txt on your desktop. Can you please attach that to this post.

Also to fix your issue:  Download the latest MB 3 installer from : https://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mb3

Run the latest installer and let us know if that worked.

Thank you.

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Well, well, well - something FINALLY worked the way it was supposed to.  Even though the program is running, all protections are enabled, the check for updates ran and a new scan is running, I DO NOT consider this a win because I lost half of my day and all of last night working on something that should have been seamless and transparent to me.  You all really need to check the links provided in some of these forums, because they're sending people to sites that have I don't know - MALWARE.  In particular the Malwarebytes Support Tool thread - the mb-check and mb-clean links should be looked at because my antivirus rejected them.

A begrudging thank you.

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Hello @DeeCee

Glad that everything is working as expected and I do apologize for the inconvenience you faced troubleshooting the issue at hand.

Both mb-clean and mb-check are our own tools and they should never be flagged.

The only potential download which gets flagged is FRST . This is however not a malware and is used all the time by us to analyze issues.

Do let us know if you run into issues again .


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