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Why is this program so incredibly bad at updating itself?

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I have been using this for years and the problem remains unfixed.  The internet is FULL of people with the other same problem and it goes on ignored.  

Updating is a crucial part of any security software.  Why does it work so poorly for malware bytes?


Problem 1:  Updates aren't happening automatically.  I see a ! in the corner telling me to update, but the garbage program doesn't update unless I manually tell it to.   

Problem 2:  Updates just fail to happen.  This used to happen all the time in MB2 but got better in MB3.

Problem 3:  Clicking 'install update' doesn't work.  I click the button and nothing happens.  (see picture)


This is happening to 4 different computers across two locations so it's not like it's something with my setup.  

A few random bugs over the years is fine but this is just getting ridiculous.  I'm done paying money for this software, when my sub runs out, im done.  


EDIT:  Bug number 4.  After updating manually "unable to connect the service."  Incredible.  Are the developers a bunch of W3 school dropouts?


EDIT 2:  Bug number 5:  Finally got it installed.  Now it's hogging all CPU while doing nothing.  



Edited by oealias
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  • Root Admin

Please post some logs and I'll take a look at the issue. Run this on several personal computers and never have an issue. Support some business running hundreds and they too are not having an issue, but post the logs and I'll be happy to take a look. 

I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and post back the requested logs as an attachment.

Thank you



Edited by AdvancedSetup
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  • Root Admin

I'd also like to get a copy of your license information to see if something is possibly wrong with that and maybe causing an issue. The software uses protection mechanisms to help prevent theft that might be somehow get read wrong. If you can send that to me in a private message that would be great. I'm sure we can get it resolved and working.

Thanks again



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