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I´ve read a topic about it, and noticed the support is probably dead and has a low level capability, since there are so many complains after the "solution" was given by MalwareBytes. I did all the recommendations posted but as many people replied, it still does not work. I just uninstalled the software. I´m going back to Spybot or another reliable software. Just for the record, I´m 36yrs old, but as long as I can remember from my 20´s, Malwarebytes has had always a culture of bad programmers making Malwarebytes very well know for showing lot´s of problems/conflicts. I wish I could take the programmers by the neck to wake then up. Lost a client for ever, I´ll ever ever again install this crap. Fix it because lot of ppl paid for this #$%@#$%@%¨#$%!!!

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10 minutes ago, Flavius said:

I´ve read a topic about it, and noticed the support is probably dead and has a low level capability, since there are so many complains after the "solution" was given by MalwareBytes.

Hi and Welcome. Since is your first post and have no idea what post you're talking about what I can say the current version is not

having issues for most people.

Sorry, you had issues. But we are here to help.

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Spybot !!  I stopped using their program, oh let me think,,,,,10 years ago ? or more. Running this program without ANY problems x2.

They need what version Windows and logs. Look through other posts to find out what they need to help you.

Edited by KenW
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