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On the latest upgrade, my install broke with the "cannot contact server" and I could not launch to fix.  I followed the instructions elsewhere to download and run mbclean which I did (attached txt file). This cleared up the loop and installed 3.0 successfully, but it also unfortunately did not recover my license (I'm an original adopter from years ago and its a lifetime license).  

I contacted Clearview per the website and used their license retrieval tool, but my purchase is well before them, so they had no record accordingly.

I've never had a technical issue with any of the updates since being a customer, so I never thought to take a screenshot or anything of the key (I am thinking of it now though!) nor do I have emails from way back then. I'm trying to comb through some old backup disks, but in absence of finding anything there......is there anywhere I can look still on my PC,....or?  All help appreciated.



Edited by -Crucible-
update info
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Hello @Crucible

When you ran the MB-Clean tool did it generate a mb-license-info.txt file on your desktop?

If it did , that file should have your license information. You could use that to activate your product.

If you don't have that file, let me know and we can talk over PM about how to proceed further.

Thank you.

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