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Have latest Malwarebytes 3.X paid versions deployed on ~20 computers that also run Symantec Endpoint 14 managed clients set to the stock balanced security settings.  Nearly all computers exhibit sporadic (but frequent) issues where apps like Chrome and Acrobat will launch but not display content (suspect this is related to Anti Exploit).  Said copies of MBAM show that they are not running some protection services.  Trying to enable or disable services causes MBAM tray to hang.  Trying to uninstall does not work.  Trying the MBAM clean uninstall tool does not work; the files in the directories are lock.  Can't kill the MBAM service.  Only way to uninstall is to reboot to safe mode or to uninstall Symantec first and then uninstall MBAM.  This is a huge PITA to do manually over remote desktop.

This is pretty disappointing; functionality issues with MBAM rendering Chrome and Acrobat unusable have been on and off for a couple months now even as you update your program.  I can't in good conscience recommend customers purchase this program any more, even though it is was an excellent second line of defense against malware / cryptoransom.  We're going to have to go back to running manual scheduled ADWCLEANER scans at this rate.  

Fix your software.  It's been a cluster since the moment V3 hit. If your software can't play ball with big dog AV like Symantec, it's of very limited use.  At the very least publish a KB for what needs to be changed in Symantec to avoid these issues.  Your software has gone from one of the few things out there that for many years just reliably worked at preventing and removing malware to something that can't be trusted on production computers.  And you managed to do it in just a few months.  

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