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I am running the premium version 3.0.6 of MB and have been experiencing daily crashes when trying to save Word Documents. When I left for vacation the first part of May, I knew there was a conflict between Word and MB but thought it would have been corrected by this time.  What needs to be done to stop this from happening?   As a paying member of the premium version I am beyond frustrated by this.  Please advise. Thank you.  Jackie

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Hi @dreamskape!! Sorry for the issues you've been experiencing with Malwarebytes 3. With that being said, we have released a couple of updates since you left on vacation. One of those updates included a fix for Office and Word related issues.

You can grab the latest version here: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3

Just install it right on top of your previous version.

If you continue to experience issues, just make a follow up post including the files called out here: 

That will give our support team the additional technical details to track things down further.

Lastly, I hope you had a great vacation!!

Edited by AlexSmith
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On 6/15/2017 at 11:32 AM, nikhils said:

Hello @dreamskape

The MS Office crashing issue was fixed in our latest build.

Please download the build using the post below. That should fix your issue.

Thank you,

Hello thank you for your reply..  Just wanted to let you know that I downloaded 1.0.139 and that seems to have completely fixed the problem.   So I am a happy camper again. :)   Thank you again and have a good Sunday!  



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Frustrating as I have searched here for just this topic and with my possibly bad search skills did not find this thread.  So I just started my own thread and then this one popped up right above it!  As of yesterday, using the latest Malwarebytes, Office 365 still crashes when saving.  I have uninstalled MB to fix the issue but that is not a good solution. 

Maybe it is fixed for the locally installed versions of Office but not Office 365?  And just as a further clarification, for me it is not just Word documents that crash, it is any Office doc, Excel, etc.

Edited by Will_T
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Malwarebytes had been completly uninstalled on my computer yesterday to allow Office 365 to work. Late last night I did a registry and computer cleanup then reinstalled Malwarebytes. Now Office and MB are playing together nicely. I'll post back with logs if that changes.

Edited by Will_T
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