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I am the leader for an upcoming Prison Ministry Program and all of the leadership history is given to each new leader on a CD titled Ezra Kairos Leader's Assistant.  When I installed the program Malwarebytes 3 put the file E:\EzraSetup.exe in quarantine.  I followed the steps to restore the file and it will not allow me to do so.  There are reports that are required that go to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and unless those reports are received the ministry will not be allowed to take place on the weekend that has been assigned.  This ministry has used the program Ezra for over ten years and it is the only way to complete the required forms.

I need assistance if anyone out there knows how to resolve this issue.  Malwarebytes has not responded to any request and now I see that their support is crap.   




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Thank you.  I am aware that the drive is a CD and you cannot restore but the issue is that MB3 will not allow the execution file to pass thru thus the start up ICON for EZRA the prison ministry software cannot be setup.  I had already missed two reports that Re mandatory.

I got up at 4:30 this morning and shut Dow MB3 as well as Windows Defender and turned off my WiFi and was able to install the software.

I cannot take a chance on MB3 performing as we could lose our certification from the State of Texas for non compliance of the daily prison ministry reports.

I was forced to cancel my subscription and have requested a refund.  The MB3 is no longer on my laptop.

If you would kindly report to customer service this request for refund it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance it was greatly appreciated.


Bill Awalt.

Edited by msherwood
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Thanks for the follow up Bill, sorry we weren't able to solve this in a timely manner for you. For future reference, if you exclude the entire E: drive it should allow your software to run.

That being said, customer service should be able to take care of your refund and get you all set.

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