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I cannot connect to one computer on the network any more, maybe it has something to do with the latest microsoft updates before that everything was working fine. I found that out when I was trying to print something and the printer could not be found and was offline. I removed and reinstalled the printer on the client computer, restarted and for once it worked again.

The diagnostics mentions settings in the windows firewall, but this one is turned off, I use KIS firewall !


I just don't know what to do any more. Help will be appreciated.


network problem.JPG


Edited by arleetel
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I found out that : if I put a document in either Arlette-PC or DESKTOP-US6PRF (C:\Users\Public\Public documents) I can open it in LEON-HP.

The problem is that I cannot open LEON-HP on any other PC or laptop, with the error mentioned above, nor use the shared printer.


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I just continued to search and made the following change : and for the moment it seems to work.

I did not change any other settings.

I think it solved the problem, the topic can be deleted by the administrators.

Thank you !


network & sharing centre guest & public.JPG

network & sharing centre all networks.JPG

network & sharing centre private.JPG

Edited by arleetel
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