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I'm having the same problem... been going on a few weeks now.  I boot up, it works for about 5 minutes, then freezes.  Sometimes after 5-10 minutes it unfreezes and is fine, other times it freezes and never recovers and I have to do a hard reboot, which sucks because I have a RAID array that then has to rebuild.  The only thing that solves this problem for me is disabling Malwarebytes, which scares me.  I'll try to post my specs and all that later, but basically is seems to me there must have been some update in the past few weeks that broke something for the both of us...


I'm on Windows 10 as well, though not factory install.  I refuse to do a reset of Windows though.  Reinstalling all my programs and finding all my product keys is far too time consuming and doesn't sound like it's worked for anyone else.  Everything worked fine a few weeks back, and nothing with my config has changed.

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Hello and Welcome

Let's try this first.... (lets get some logs so that the team can review them to see if we can see what may be going on)

  1. Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: mb-check-results.zip, FRST.txt, Addition.txt)

Please let us know how it goes.

Thank You,


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