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Smitfraud blocking executables

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So if these new versions of Smitfraud block executables in safe mode, how does one remove smitfraud?

If Siri is blocked and Mwbytes blocked, and forced removal tends to cause damage

When I scan from another computer, the old standby, that too tends to cause damage

I asked Mwbytes support about downloadable ISO bootup disk subscription, using maybe a CDRW,

the Mwbytes support person was mentally challenged, and didn't understand what smitfraud was...

So I am asking my question about blocked executables in the forums

Please, no noob answers

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Here's one example of how recent malware blocks executables, but why do you think it's primarily Smitfraud?

Just because someone doesn't understand a poorly constructed question, is no reason to insult them. The MBAM support staff is extremely competent, which is something rare with help desks.

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  • Staff

I already explained we don't have any removal such as ISO or similar method. Sorry if you don't like that answer.

What you want us to do is tell you how to remove the infection. You run a shop. We're not here to teach you malware removal.

As in support, you're rude here too, and for no good reason.

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