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Hey everyone!


So I've recently switched my project completely over to a new domain and someone on Twitter reported that Malwarebytes is blocking it.


Media preview

That's the IP, though it is being routed through Cloudflare.

The actual IP, if necessary, is


So yea - No idea why it would just be blocked randomly?

Really hoping it can be fixed soon :)


Once again all the details:

Domain: https://ffzap.download/

IP (Cloudflare):

IP (Server):



~ Cheers!

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Hey Dashke,

Thank you for the response.

I've forwarded the information to the user having problems and it seemed to work at first, but now they said it's happening again with DB-Version v2017.06.12.03?


Weird... There is nothing malicious on my website so I don't know why your filter would randomly kick in.


~ Cheers

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