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I'm a new user of MB3 but I have an issue that is really driving me nuts. I enabled to automatically download and install updates in the settings. But If I don't use my laptop for 4-5 days after booting MB3 shows a pop-up that it's not up-to-date and that it has updates to install.

When I click on that notification MB3 opens and shows a yellow exclamation mark icon as it's status. But few seconds later normally it switches to the green checkmark because MB3 installed the update without any intervention from me. Also tried out what happens if I ignore this notification at all. So I watied 1 minute and opened MB3 and it shows the green checkmark.

So obviously MB3 reports not beeing up-to-date before it automatically installs the updates. That's silly and annoying. MB3 should first try to update itself and report afterwards if something is not ok but not before it auto-installs it's updates it really makes no sense.

I could of course disable the notification, but it doesn't matter If I disable it or not. If I disable it I won't be notified if there's really a problem with updating itself. If I leave it enabled I will igrnore the notification and I also won't know if there will ever be a problem with updating.

So you see it's annoyance and also a risk to show this misleading not-up-to-date notification.

Can you fix this asap.

Thank you

Edited by marcelser
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