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exploit protection will not come on

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I just purchased mbam 3 because I was getting malware everyday and it was hitting my browser (firefox) and my overdrive/libraries. I tried the trial ver and it started blocking viscous websites that are outbound from my windows/syswow64/regserv32 files plus others I can't catch because it moves to fast for me to memorize. it seems to work fine but it will not keep the exploit protection to stay on. I hit the button, it comes on then immediately goes back to off. I have run full scans to find the infected files with no luck. i have run defender and microsoft scan with no luck. i don't know if the infected files are stopping the exploit protection or if it the program itself.



Addition_04-06-2017 11.13.51.txt

FRST_04-06-2017 11.13.51.txt

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Just adding that I am having the same issue.  Likely something that is spread out.  Could you guys at MWB let us know if you are aware of the issue?  Thanks.

PS: Sherrieesta: It happens all the time since Malware 3.0...sadly.  Not just you.  It will be fixed...and broken again lol

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@sherrieesta it looks like there was an error during the upgrade process where Exploit Protection didn't upgrade properly. Can you please download the latest MB3 installer from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3 and install it over top of your existing setup? This should resolve your issue.

@Plo83 if you're having the same issues, please create a new thread with the requested logs so we can get it fixed for you

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