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What is AppData\Local\Temp\WERE213.tmp.hdmp?


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How do i delete WERE213.tmp.hdmp and is it harmful? The only Program i can use is Google Chrome. I can't open anything else but folders and browsers. My most important files cannot be opened. It has the message "Thumbnail Handler Extraction Host has stopped working, Windows is collecting more information about the problem. This might take several minuites..."

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I need your help please! I can't open my files.


Screenshot (4).png

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I'm sorry but you misconstrue the purpose of this sub-forum.
This sub-forum is provided such that the public can supply samples of malware, in the form of disk files, that Malwarebytes targets but presently fails to detect.
Purpose of this forum
Malware Hunters group

Assistance with the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) application on Windows is performed in;  Malwarebytes 3.0
Assistance with Malware Removal on Windows is obtained in; Malware Removal for Windows

What you have seen is an uncompressed error DuMP file in the system TEMP folder [ %TEMP% ] and it is not malware

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