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I understand that MB Endpoint Security requies IIS7.5 to be installed. When launching the setup, it tries to install it and fails.


So I installed IIS7.5 Express manually (which succeeded) and tried to reinstall MBES which still wants to install IIS7.5 and still fails.


Is there any way to bypass the install? IIS7.5 is already installed...


Thanks for your help.

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Hi @SMaton, yes there is!

  1. Run mbmc installer exe file. Do not press any buttons after it launches.
  2. Go to your temp directory (i.e. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp), find a folder “scserver.<number>”, open it and copy ManagementSystemSetup.msi to your desktop.
  3. Abort installer from step 1.
  4. Run the ManagementSystemSetup.msi you copied and follow the normal install process.


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