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Can't figure out if this is legit exploit or false positive

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We are on a managed client    Version

Anti-Malware Version :

Anti-Exploit Version: 

Database Version V2017.05.25.07


We had one of our users go to WebMD and copy and paste an article and we got hit with a exploit alert.

Can you confirm if this is a real threat or a false positive?



Edited by iambry
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Hello Iambry,

I want to have you collect some logs from the event so I can look into this further. To do this:

Please download our diagnostic tool, MB-Check to your Desktop from this link: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3_check

Double-click it to run it. A black command prompt window will appear momentarily and you will see a message appear telling you to locate the zipped log files.

A zip file named mb-check-results.zip will be saved to your Desktop. 
Please attach this file to your next reply.

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Hey Iambry,


It seems like the tool didn't gather the logs which is strange since there should have been an alert generated for this. I apologize for this, but can you collect the C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit directory for me so I can be sure the logs are collected. If an alert was indeed created, it should be in that directory. 

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