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How do I force malwarebytes to update automatically, without opening windows, stealing focus from my currently active program, or otherwise annoying me by attempting to grab my attention for routine events?

I find that whomever changed the user interface to open up dialog windows for routine events like definition updates must have failed their user interface design class, or never attended one in the first place. Not allowing automated scheduling of definition updates is another failure on the part of the interface designer.

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Turn computer off for the night. Turn computer back on in the morning. Notice the 'alert' symbol on Malwarebytes toolbar icon. Wait an hour or several. Notice the alert never goes away. Click on toolbar icon. Click on 'update'. Notice two windows pop up in quick succession; one the main program menu and the other the 'We noticed your computer hasn't been updated recently' window.

Why is this the default behavior of this program? Why does Malwarebytes not fetch updates at computer startup? Why does it fail to get updates without manual intervention by the user?

I have been trying to create a workaround, a scheduled task that runs on startup and forces Malwarebytes to fetch updates. However, I cannot get it to do so silently. Instead, one of those two windows ALWAYS pops up and steals focus from whatever else I am doing.

Edited by Tokail
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We made some changes to how our updates work in 3.1.2, so let's make sure you're on that latest version. It used to be that immediately after waking up, we'd warn the user if they were out of date, now we do an update check before warning them (if that setting is enabled). If you are on the latest version, please grab the logs that Firefox mentioned and we'll see if something else is going on

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It is indeed version 3.0.5. However, every time I check for program updates, it fails to recognize that there is a newer version of Malwarebytes available. I'm going to do a manual installation of the new version and see if that changes things.


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