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Can't transfer license to new laptop. Need server side deactivation.

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I'm not able to deactivate myself because my old laptop is, unfortunately, a brick.  

I contacted support on May 18 through the contact form and then several times through email. 

Unfortunately, no staff member has yet been able to get my license deactivated.  

I'm assuming that is because MBAM staff are overwhelmed with ransomware issues. 

But if any MBAM staff can look into this for me, or advise me how to proceed, I'd very much appreciate it. 

Thank you!

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Sadly, that's exactly the problem -- the old laptop is a brick and won't boot. 

So, as I understand it, the only way for that license to be deactivated is for MBAM staff to deactivate it on the MBAM server. 

I provided my license and user name at issue in several previous emails to MBAM support. 

If you are able, you could find them using the email address linked to this user account. 

(I wouldn't want to type them here in this public space.)

As a product support service engineer, are you able to look into this?


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Thanks for your very prompt reply.

I tried to activate on my new laptop just now.  Unfortunately, I'm still getting MBAM error code 403104 and it won't activate.

(It was working just fine on my old laptop, until that laptop expired for reasons unknown.) 

Can you confirm that the staff found my email contact trail and did activate the license key and license id I had submitted?  

I confess I'm puzzled....

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